Move forward in the Will to Good

Introduction to the series of meditative outlines “Will to Good”

The following meditation outlines are given to the subjective workers, those who are helping the planetary evolution, by their thought, their deeds and their being. They know that their thoughts infuse their being and create their becoming. These outlines may be used as guideline or inspiration; they are tracing the progression of a group gathered under the name of the will-to-good. These outlines assume to locate oneself firmly at the level of the mind - and not base oneself on belief-, to work for others – and not only to study -, and to have surmounted some glamour.

Indeed, readers may alter these outlines, which are only forms, knowing that these changes must be balanced, studied carefully under the eye of the soul. These outlines are conditioned by their original country and historically marked: however, they are depicting an advance in the line of spiritual will.

Some key-notes

1998: Tension of Awakening
1999: Abstraction – Affirmation - Peace
2000: Thou – Breath - Fire
2001 To initiate
2010: Will – Life
2011: Affirm the life of Spirit
2012: Thy dynamic Will
2013: Let us move forward in the will


Here is the succession of the meditation outlines. We repeat, it is wise to use them carefully, and to change them with still more prudence care. Only a naive idealism would push to begin by the end neglecting the premises and preparatory stages, which strengthen, spiritual desire in mistakes and feeds glamour. These outlines have been provoked by limitations and possibilities of the group, going along the thought of the time. Thus in 1985, rays were only studied concretely by a few groups (among them the group of Robert Gerard in Los Angeles); Odette Le Manchec initiated the study of rules for group initiation in the group so-called of the Alps, and the first repercussions of this assimilation appeared only around 1998, several years after.

Download the series of meditation outlines