Conceiving the world, basic elements
What happens? Where are we? In which world are we living? There are some questions hanging in front of us. We shall here give some bases for locating ourselves in this world, for exploring it from symbols and brief comments.
This is all the more necessary as the subjective world is eluding, approximate and contestable; thus we need neat marks for knowing where we are.
This booklet aims to set a basis for understanding the world where we live. One may conceive it as far as the same structure is found in the human being; it is the principle of correspondence. Of course, the universe gets beyond the human being, and some principles escape to it, yet we can approach them starting form our equipment.
The understanding of the world is based on physics, chemistry, life and Earth sciences; these are the basis of the science of matter. This text aims to give a basis for the science of spirit.
We’ll proceed in 3 different ways which will intertwine: the geometrical symbolism, a digital approach and a literary formulation. These approaches will be followed by comments that will make a secondary part. The basic text will be the briefer possible.
That which has guided us and which seems the most simple, hence the more profound, are the symbols described in the proem (preamble) of the Secret Doctrine, which is reminded in the beginning of a Treatise on cosmic fire. Starting form the first symbols, others will be studied and the postulates of the Secret Doctrine will be studied.
Thus we hope to offer a basis for understanding the world where we live and our place within.
THE BASIC SYMBOLS .................................................................................................. 2
THE TETRACTYS ......................................................................................................... 4
THE POSTULATES ....................................................................................................... 5
THE MEANING OF NUMBERS ........................................................................................ 8
THE GEOMETRICAL FORMS .......................................................................................... 9
THE HUMAIN BEING .................................................................................................... 12
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 17
Here is a basis of study, experiment and sharing for conceiving the world.
Some and others will be able to complete this basis, for enriching it, deepen it.
The world is great; reality overcomes fiction.
Joy to all seekers.