Being human withthe sky


In traditions, the human is a link between the earth and the sky; the sky symbolises immensity, that which exceeds the close at hand, the action, the result. Nowadays, the sky is realized as space, cosmos, fruition of an irruption which surged out, inflated suddenly and generated a noise that resounds yet: the big Bang. ...

This text aims to locate us in this huge sky, to clarify the bases of the various approaches of stars, may be to develop our community with them. ...

Precession of equinoxes and cycle of Hysteresis

The vernal point, place of the Earth at the equinox of springs, does not point any more toward the beginning of the constellation of Aries, whereas it marks the degree 0 of the sign of Aries. This vernal point moves of 1° every 72 years and is found now in front of the constellation of Aquarius. The constellations can’t have an influence of the earthly beings, and this constitutes an argument against astrology. ...

If one heats up an iron bar, the atoms begin to move in all directions. When one submits this bar to a magnetic field, the atoms align. The bar may then cool down and if the field is removed, the atoms keep their original direction: one has made a magnet. If one heats again the bar, it looses its magnetisation for the atoms are not any more aligned together.
Thus, at one moment the Earth on its orbit would have been polarized facing the sky, it would keep since then this polarization. The first hypothesis is that any living being is surrounded by a crystal, its energetic body.

This cycle of Hysteresis suggests too that any living being is a rotating electric charge, and this provides to it a magnetic momentum. ...

Extensive space / intensive space

Space is usually conceived as an extent where some bodies inscribe in various positions. ...
This is a receptive view or support view; the instrumental view considers space as a new dimension where some indicators can take variable values. Space becomes a field of experiment which is then instituted by someone who provokes variations. The intensive space is marked by any indicator on a dashboard, created by any living being, be it a human, a vegetable, a galaxy or the cosmos.

Let us come back on this concept. Intensive space is instituted by an emergence, extensive space is observed; intensive space comes from a decision, it is a new dimension of experience; extensive space welcomes experience et is used as a container, as a support where some processes happen. Intensive space comes from a will, an author, a Logos who institutes, ordains then opens this possibility; extensive space comes from the observation of a pre-existing reality which exceeds us, which contains us. Both points of view correspond to politicians creating laws and to scientists observing nature; one point of view starts from the What for and aims to the future, the other is based on the past and the How; yet space, the real, the experience is one; according to our participation, one or the other side appears.


it is consciousness itself, so purified that it inscribes itself in the energetic crystal of our star, which responds consciously to the constellations resounding in the polarized pattern of the crystal: the 12 signs related to the yearly cycle of the earthly orbit.

... pure consciousness, infused with solar fire - a traditional word to be experimented – responds to the 12 constellations ...

Zodiacal triangle to be inscribed in oneself

This being in relation with the source of consciousness - shared with others – is then guided by “the sun of probability” and faces possibilities that are discovering at the East, where the sky opens at the horizon. The crystal has thus 2 very important marks: 1) the solar sign, focus of vital energy and 2) the rising sign, where are discovered possibilities. These two marks are completed by a third one. If one sees from the Earth the sun in a sign (focus of the constellation in the crystal), the sun sees the earth in the opposite sign. To say it otherwise, the source of pure consciousness observes the active unit in 3) the sign of achievement. These 3 signs are forming a triangle which has much meaning for the one who wants to evolve, to give a meaning to one’s life and to contribute of one’s whole being to world Good. ...

Active unit, earthly globe

The active unit is the personality, the adult who decides and assumes its choices. In its field of action, it remains the interrogative instance, observing and deciding, thus all interactions turn around it. This corresponds to the earthly globe turning upon itself; it is the geocentric point of view that predominates in astrology. Its daily revolution is divided in 12 periods of 2 hours each, and during these periods, the horizon passes through 12 sectors called astrological houses. Each house corresponds to a sector of human activity, for this personality.
It is at this level that the works of Rudhyar, Ruperti and in psychology Jung, apply: they magnificently studied these influences, cycles and functions. It is thus the frame of the Wheel of individual experience [Ruperti]. The astrological approach of psychological complexes by Rudhyar makes also a little known study of polarities, with Mercury particularly. Bruno and Louis Huber bring a supplementary precision in dividing each house with the golden number (0,618) ...

Psyche or the lunar orb

The moon reflects the sun rays and does not emit light by itself. It is a dead celestial body, symbol of an inert form, yet Alice Bailey describes it as being of 4th ray. How can we understand that? The moon represents the psyche, the mirror reflecting the real and sending back an image distorted or veiled. Thus it reflects the rays of the sun but also that which is found within the earthly orbit, that means Mercury (4th ray) and Venus (5th Ray). Venus values – intelligent love – are transformed in the psyche in feelings and the vivacity of spirit of Mercury – penetrating mind and genius of communication – in fleeting insights. This course of thinking takes the predominance, hence the 4th ray for the moon, that is at least our hypothesis.

Thus psychism describes what one says, what one admits to see, to approach or to formulate by images (hence some reflections) or through language. Dreams are talking in images; this word comes from mage and these icons represent a remote reality, distinct from the appearance, but on which one may play. ...


This brief document aims to locate us in the universe, to ease the contact with stars and to clarify the study of various theories on this topic. All remains to be experienced, checked, and enriched. This document too remains to be confirmed or corrected, developed.

Astronomers and astrophysicists study the sky under an objective angle; subjective workers complete this approach in basing their way on scientific discoveries that they enrich with their perceptions and inspirations. Human spirit enfolds under the inspiration of Lives or Beings who institute the frame of their research; the reader may have noted it itself. And we live, move and work with these spiritual Forces. ...

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